SYNAPSE is an undergraduate-led club based at the University of Toronto (Scarborough Campus) whose mission is to promote discussion, inspire interest, and bring awareness in the field of neuroscience. Welcome to SYNAPSE’s Initiatives page! Our dedicated team of Executive Members and Volunteers create content for nine different social media initiatives (as of now :D), in which we explore various topics in the field of neuroscience! 


Launched in 2018 as our first initiative, SYNAPSE Sundays aims to disseminate current and relevant neuroscience research to the general public, through informative, easy-to-understand, and visually enticing posts and their corresponding fun quizzes, every Sunday.

Your Weekly Dose of Dopamine

Launched in 2020, Your Weekly Dose of Dopamine is our way of sharing original, funny, and relatable content about neuroscience, studying, and university life in a meme format. Feel free to submit your own meme to be posted on our Instagram stories here!


Our Newsletter, launched in 2020, curates a list of current events related to neuroscience and opportunities to get involved in undergraduate research, every month.

You can subscribe here!

The Transmitter Blog

The Transmitter Blog was launched in 2021, with the goal of providing university students the opportunity to develop and showcase their writing skills, while explaining a broad range of neuroscience topics and discussing the student experience. Blogs are written by our Volunteer team and are uploaded on Mondays!

Neuro for Reals

Neuro for Reals was launched in 2021 to make neuroscience more accessible and dispel myths about the brain through fun, short and interactive videos on Instagram Reels and TikTok, every Saturday.

Field Potentials

Field Potentials was launched in 2021 and aims to highlight professionals in the field of neuroscience, present the various careers possible in this discipline, and showcase the diversity of talent in the neuroscience community, on Wednesdays.

The EEG Series: Educating Everyone on the Gap

The EEG Series: Educating Everyone on the Gap was launched in 2021, with the goal of discussing advocacy-related issues (e.g., mental health, disability, social justice) from a unique and interdisciplinary neuroscience lens, every other Thursday.


Launching in 2023, our Synap-Talks podcast hosts have conversations with professionals in the field of neuroscience to showcase their work and contributions to the neuroscience community, on Wednesdays.


Our new NeuroAcademic Series, launched in Fall 2023, aims to demystify academia by sharing resources and tips about studying, research, job search, and other academic-related topics in a bitesize manner, every other Tuesday.

Click on the icons to visit our social media pages and check out our posts!